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Welcome to the website of the Network of Erasmus Based European Orthodontic Postgraduate Programmes

What is NEBEOP?

The Network of Erasmus Based European Orthodontic Postgraduate Programmes comprises a group of postgraduate programmes in orthodontics that deliver a structured postgraduate educational programme in orthodontics according to the Erasmus programme for postgraduate education in orthodontics in Europe as published in the European Journal of Orthodontics 2014;36:340-349.

The member programmes are represented by their programme directors or orthodontists assigned by institutes which deliver a structured programme in orthodontics and who are members of the European Orthodontic Society in good standing.

The primary concern of the network is education that is specific to the specialty of orthodontics, and its main purpose is the advancement of orthodontic postgraduate training in Europe.


The objectives of the Network are the following:
  • to strengthen the level of postgraduate training in orthodontics in Europe
  • to advocate NEBEOP guidelines that promote optimal postgraduate training in orthodontics in Europe (European Journal of Orthodontics 2014;36:340-349)
  • to exchange information on the educational content of postgraduate programmes in orthodontics
  • to establish educational collaborations between orthodontic programmes in Europe (common courses, exchange of teachers, e-learning, etc)
  • to serve as a knowledge platform to bodies involved in postgraduate training in orthodontics in Europe
  • to strive for inclusion in this Network of all institutes providing orthodontic education in Europe
  • to seek cooperation with comparable or other orthodontic networks and organizations in other regions and countries.


In 2006, the first European Orthodontic Teachers’ Forum (EOTF) took place after the initiative of Professor Stavros Kiliaridis (Geneva, Switzerland) and Professor Anne Marie Kuijpers-Jagtman (Nijmegen, the Netherlands). The goal of this meeting, which was supported by the European Orthodontic Society, was to provide an opportunity for orthodontic teachers to meet one another to exchange information, opinions, and ideas on undergraduate and postgraduate teaching and research. The organizing committee identified and invited representatives of approximately 260 orthodontic postgraduate programmes in Europe, many of them in eastern Europe.

The idea of NEBEOP was born as a result of the demand of the participants of the first Teachers’ Forum, who faced the problem of a wide diversity of European educational programmes in orthodontics. It was seen to be necessary to establish some common feasible standards to be used as guidelines for European postgraduate education in orthodontics. The ambition was that in a reasonable period, the majority of the institutes providing orthodontic education in Europe would be able to meet the standards of the updated guidelines of the Erasmus programme.

NEBEOP was founded in November 2008, after three years of preparation, according to the principal demand raised and approved by more than 60 participants of the European Orthodontic Teachers’ Forums in 2006, 2007, and 2008. In the founding meeting in Geneva, 36 attendees were present from 17 countries. During the founding meeting, the NEBEOP bylaws were discussed and approved to establish a format for functioning of the network. The Bylaws were revised and approved by the General Assembly in 2015.

The network consists of full members and provisional members. The provisional members must have previously completed a self-assessment form indicating that their programme broadly fulfills the requirements for membership. For full membership, an external review of the postgraduate programme is an obligation which includes a self-assessment of the programme and a site visit by external assessors. To guarantee the objective assessment in the initial period until June 2014, only external assessors who were not involved in NEBEOP were invited to perform site visits. The NEBEOP is very grateful to professor Rolf Berg, professor Hugo DeClerck, professor Luc Dermaut, professor Jos Dibbets, professor Herman Duterloo, professor Mauro Farella, professor Bertil Lennartsson, professor Lennart Lagerström, professor Hans Pancherz, professor Maurits Persson, and professor Arild Stenvik for having performed the initial site visits. Once 12 programmes had been approved for full membership of NEBEOP, representatives of these programmes performed the site visits.

From 2008 to 2015 the network was coordinated by professor Stavros Kiliaridis, professor Anne Marie Kuijpers-Jagtman, and professor Pertti Pirttiniemi. According to the Bylaws the initial phase of the Network ended in June 2015 and the first NEBEOP Council was elected that comprised of professor Anne Marie Kuijpers-Jagtman, Nijmegen, The Netherlands (President), professor Stavros Kiliaridis, Geneva, Switzerland (Vice President), professor Pertti Pirttiniemi, Oulu, Finland (Secretary), and professor Guy Willems, Leuven, Belgium (Secretary-Elect).

Over the years, the European Federation of Specialist Associations (EFOSA) fully supported the objectives of NEBEOP and provided yearly financial support for a speaker while the EOS provided meeting facilities. From the start in 2008, NEBEOP aimed being under the umbrella of the EOS. Thereto, in 2017 a separate company was set up - NEBEOP LIMITED – with three directors, one from NEBEOP, one from the EOS and one from EFOSA. There is no input from the directors in to how the NEBEOP LIMITED will conduct its affairs, similar to EOS Congress Company Limited.