European Orthodontic Teachers Forum


  • Event: 15th European Orthodontic Teachers' Forum

  • Topic: Adult learning in orthodontics: blended learning approach.
  • Dates: 23 June 2021, 10:00 till 13:10 hr (CET)
  • Mode: Virtual meeting. Registration through EOS website.

  • Two very interesting presentations were given by leading experts in the educational field.

  • Prof Jan Elen taught us that learning is an evolving process that is constructive, cumulative, self-regulated and situated in which prior knowledge, metacognition and motivation need to be considered. Jan pointed out that the need for competence, autonomy and relatedness are essential for motivation of students. Furthermore we learnt that the world of blended learning combines overwhelming possibilities of both digital technology as well as the multisensorial environment but we should consider some restraints related to the goal of teaching as well as to some practicalities such as availability and accessibility of digital tools as well as ability to operate them. In designing blended learning environments we also learnt to be reflective at first on our current as-is position, to think about what could engage students in realizing the ambitions of the course and to provide adequate support to the group.

  • Prof Birgitte Schoenmakers further translated this theoretical approach into a practical format and possible flow of educational activities in designing a new blended learning approach for which we take into account aspects such as the rhythm of the students engaged in the learning process as well as the provision of an e-learning environment such as a learning platform and ample exercises.

  • Finally the different chairpersons reported on the given assignment during the breakout session, namely to set up the structure of a specific blended learning environment on the topic of “Need and Demand for Orthodontic Treatment, each from their own background and understanding, which led us to a nice discussion with lots of feedback and interesting interaction with both experts Jan Elen en Birgitte Schoenmakers, propulsing us into topics as flipped classroom, hybrid approach, spiral sequencing and more.

  • We really would like to thank Jan Elen an Birgitte Schoenmakers for their accessabitlity, availability and ability.

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    Reports from the EOTF: